
Posts Tagged ‘wedding’

This week, I finally took the plunge and joined an Etsy Street Team!  So far, I have met several great people from the Team and am looking forward to getting to know everyone 🙂

Everyone had said that joining a team was a great way to network and get great feedback on your progress.  After only two days, I have found this to be very true.  Several members have already hearted my shop, and a couple have contacted me to tell me that they like my jewelry.  One even offered some advice, which I am taking to heart and working to incorporate into my shop and marketing strategy.

With that said, I am excited to announce that I am now expanding my lines into the fabulous world of bridal jewelry.  Upon reviewing my shop, I can see how my style fits perfectly in this category, as many of my designs incorporate a lot of light, crystal, and shimmering color.

So, keep watching for more sparkling designs!

Special Moment Bracelet
by hookitup

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